Friday, July 18

I have a new BFF, her name is Tanya...

I found Tanya on Craigslist and she's my new BFF because she is selling me her 2007 Zooper Waltz Stroller. OMG! I love this stroller! Unfortunately, at $300 plus brand new, it was a no-go. Sniff :(

So, I've been stalking the local Craigslists for months hoping that someone would sell one and FINALLY it happened!! Thankfully (or luckily) I was the first to reply. Emily is going to pick it up for me next week (it's in VA near Dulles) and I'll have it for Dylan's BIG birthday bash!! Here she is...

(the stroller, not Tanya) Zooper 2007 ~ Waltz

I won't go into all of the features of this thing, but I will tell you that it has an aluminum frame with front/rear suspension and only weighs 16 lbs, it works for newborns and toddlers up to 45 lbs, the canopy can be completely pulled down and the stroller folds flat, stands alone when folded and rolls when folded. She's the bomb! Oh, did I mention that it also comes with a HUGE Storage basket, a canopy pocket, a parent cup holder, UV glare filter AND a rain cover, and full boot (covers the tootsies in winter). All that and she ONLY weighs 16 lbs. Isn't she DREAMY?!?!

When I asked Tanya why she was selling it... she told me she loved it soooo much, she HAD to HAVE the 2008 version! How funny is that? OK, so I just looked at the 2008 version and I see WHY. They managed to actually improve this thing ;) Ok, so Tanya if you read this, I'd like dibbs on the 2008... whenever the 2009s come out ;)


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